The following people attended the workshop:
- Cristina Ibanez, from Instituto de Investigacion Tecnologica, Universidad Comillas Madrid
- Davide Mercurio, from Paul Scherrer Institut
- Irene Eusgeld, from Laboratory for Safety Analysis, ETH
- Göran Hultqvist, from Forsmark Nuclear Power
- Ulrich Hussels, from RISA Sicherheitsanalysen GmbH
- Jose Carretero, from Empresarios Agrupados
- Joachim Herb, from Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit
- Ola Backstrom, from RELCON
- Luca Podofillini, from Paul Scherrer Institut
- Martin Richner, from AXPO/NOK
- Nicolas Duflot, from UTT
- Olivier Zuchuat, from BKW FMB Energie AG
- Richard Attinger, from Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken AG
- Vinh Dang, from Paul Scherrer Institut
- Sigrid Wagner, from Laboratory for Safety Analysis (LSA), ETH Zurich
- Liao Yehong, from Paul Scherrer Institut
- Steve Epstein, from ABS
- Antoine Rauzy, from ARBoost Technologies
- Olivier Nusbaumer, from KKL
- Jens Klugel, from Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken AG
- Richard Quatrain, from EdF
- Mohamed Hibti, from EdF
- Woo Sik Jung, from Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute
- Amedee Barre, from AREVA NP
- Virgile Lalumia, from AREVA NP
- Shoba Rao, from ABS
- Don Wakefield, from ABS