Open PSA

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Open PSA Workshop 2012 - Program

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Session 1: Monday 10:00-12:00

Olivier Nusbaumer (KKL, Switzerland): Fault Tree Linking versus Event Tree Linking

Ashraf El-Shanawany (Imperial College, England): Incorporating Success Criteria Uncertainty into PSA

Yann Stempfel (KKL, Switzerland): Automatic Implementation of the KKL Seismic PSA - what we learned from this exercise for the development of new PSA Software

Session 2: Monday 13:30-15:00

Jirina Vitázková (SNUS, Slovakia ): Risk measure Large Early Release Frequency (LERF) for Severe Nuclear Accidents

Joachim Herb (GRS, Germany): Tools and procedures at GRS to automatically compare and modify fault and event trees

Session Open PSA Model Exchange Format (OPSA MEF): Monday 15:30-19:00

Antoine Rauzy (Ecole Polytechnique, France): Brief overview of the Format

Enrique Meléndez-Asensio (CSN, Spain): On the evolution of Dynamic PSA tools and methodology: applications of the Open PSA Model Exchange Format at CSN

Thomas Friedlhuber (EdF & Ecole Polytechnique, France): Andromeda : A new Open PSA Worbench

Cyrille Folleau (Satodev, France): Extensions and Improvements to the format

Mohamed Hibti (EdF, France): Embedding Event Sequence Diagrams within the format

Session 3 Tuesday 09:00-10:30

Yann Stempfel (KKL, Switzerland): Automation of the KKL PSA 'Results and Insights' Documentation

Tero Tyrväinen (VTT, Finland): I&C modeling in FinPSA software.

John Obama (IMdR, France): Contribution to a risk-informed assessment of the technical specifications of a nuclear power plant

Session 4 Tuesday 11:00-12:30

Günter Becker (Risa, Germany): Requirements For A Post-Fukushima PSA Method

Johan Sörman (Relcon Scandpower, Sweden): Developments of RiskSpectrum: what has been done in the past two years and what is forecasted

Antoine Rauzy (Ecole Polytechnique, France): XFTA: An Open PSA calculation engine

Session 5 Tuesday 14:00-16:00

Last Updated on Sunday, 03 February 2013 10:40