Open-PSA Workshop, December 10th & 11th 2012, EdF R&D Clamart Paris, FRANCE
Next Generation PSA Software, Methods, and Model Representation Standards
Call for Participation: To meet and discuss efforts, visions, and future needs with regards to Software, PSA analysts, and model representations in large, safety critical PSA. All attendees are encouraged to present ideas, work-in-progress, research, and production systems, especially in the following areas.
- Quantification Methods and Algorithms;
- User Interfaces;
- Declarative Modeling;
- Standard Model Representations;
- Data and Results Visualization;
- Uncertainty;
- Risk Assessment of Human Actions;
- Modeling Styles and their Effects on Clarity and Quantification;
- PSA Software Verification, Benchmarks, and Quality Assurance.
The workshop will be especially focused on propositions for an update of the Open-PSA representation format for Fault Tree and Event Tree models.
Invited Speaker: Professor Akira YAMAGUCHI, Osaka University, Chair of Risk Technology Committee for PRA standard development in the Atomic Energy Society of Japan
How to Participate: Please send an eMail to Pr. Antoine Rauzy at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it as soon as possible. Please put the word “Open-PSA Workshop” in the subject line. We will make every effort to make room for anyone who wants to talk, make a presentation, or make a demonstration. This is an open forum for the exchange of ideas.
Organizers: This workshop is organized by Mohamed Hibti (EdF R&D, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ), Woody Epstein (Relcon Scandpower, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) and Pr. Antoine Rauzy (Ecole Polytechnique, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ). Please do not hesitate to contact any of the members of the organizing committee if you have any questions.