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Call for Participation

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Technical Working Group Meeting #1
Standard Representation Format for PSA Models

July 19th, 2007
Electricité de France
département Management du Risque Industriel, Paris

Call for Participation

In response to the “next steps forward” charge given by the Open Initiative, the first working group meeting for the Standard Representation Format for PSA Models will begin discussions. Dr. Antoine Rauzy will be the session chairman. Participation is open to anyone in the international PSA community.

How to Participate

Please fill out the attached form and eMail to Antoine Rauzy as soon as possible. Please put the word “Working Group” in the subject line. We will make every effort to make room for anyone who wants to participate. This is an open technical forum for the exchange of ideas.

Meeting Location

The workshop will be held at Electricité de France, at the département Management du Risque Industriel, which is located in Clamart, a banlieu (suburb) of Paris, about 25 minutes from Porte d’Orléans, the terminus of Metro line #4. For location information, click here. If you do not know Paris well, there will be a meeting place in Montparnasse at the café of the restaurant Le Dôme (Metro Vavin) at 08h30, and at Porte d’Orléans at 09h15.

Meeting Time

The meeting will begin at 10h00 and end at 17h00.


ABS Consulting will host a post-working group dinner the evening of July 19th in Montparnasse.


A list of hotels suggested by Electricité de France is included as an attachment to this communication.


This workshop is organized by ABS Consulting, ARBoost Technologies, and hosted by Electricité de France. Please do not hesitate to contact any of the following members of the organizing committee if you have any questions:

  • Steve Epstein
  • Antoine Rauzy
  • Mohamed Hibti
Last Updated on Sunday, 17 January 2010 16:47